Les accords de libre échange


Association Agreement with Egypt

Signed on 05/03/1998 and entered into force the same year.

This agreement provides for the total or partial dismantling of customs duties and taxes having equivalent effect on products traded between the two countries during a transitional period which has come to an end.

Une liste négative de produits ne sont pas couverts par cet accord.
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Association Agreement with Algeria

Additional Protocol to the Trade and Tariff Convention signed on 15 May 1984 which provides for the total exemption from customs duties and taxes with equivalent effects of all products traded between the two countries. This agreement is only applied to imports. (The Algerian side does not apply this agreement)
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Accord d’association avec Algerie

Protocole Additionnel à la convention commerciale et tarifaire signé le 15 mai 1984 qui prévoit L’exonération totale de droits de douanes et de taxes à effets équivalents de tous les produits échangés entre les deux pays. cet accord n’est appliqué qu’ à l’importation. .(La partie algérienne n’applique pas cet accord)
Télécharger l’Accord


Association Agreement with Morocco

Convention establishing a free trade area between Tunisia and Morocco signed and entered into force on 16 March 1999.

This convention provides for the total or partial dismantling of customs duties and taxes with equivalent effect on products traded between the two countries during a transitional period which ended on 31 December 2007.

A common list of products which are subject to a customs tax of 17.5%.
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