Certificate of Origin (C.O)


To benefit from the preferences provided for by bilateral or multilateral conventions and agreements, exports made within this framework must comply with the origin criteria required by the customs administration. Certificates of origin are classified into two categories:

  • Conventional certificates of origin (for trade governed by bilateral or multilateral preferential tariff agreements).

  • Certificates of origin under common law (for trade not governed by preferential tariff agreements, when the origin criteria as defined in the framework of preferential relations are not met, re-export of foreign products or when the certificate of origin is required as documentary evidence in addition to the conventional certificate of origin or at the exporter’s request)

The 4 steps for granting the certificate of origin


1- Filing of supporting documents


2 - Determination of origin according to accepted local value added rate Analysis


3 - Issue of certificate of origin


4 - Classification of certificates of origin and internal control

The 4 steps for granting the certificate of origin

Filing of supporting documents


Determination of origin according to accepted local value added rate


Issue of certificate of origin


Classification of certificates of origin and internal control

The exporter will have to provide the following documents to the chambers of commerce and industry:

The legal file which includes the status, the extract from the recent register of commerce of less than 3 months, the customs code, the J.O.R.T. of incorporation, the last tax receipt and finally the authorization, the approval or the specification, depending on the activity carried out.

The technical file that includes the cost structure sheet, the local raw material purchase invoice, the foreign raw material purchase invoice, the balance sheet and financial statements of the preceding financial year signed by the statutory auditor or the company’s chief executive officer.

The filing of specimen signatures of the persons authorized to sign the Certificates of Origin in the Company (see the Specimen Signature Templates).. Any change of authorization must be accompanied by the filing of a new specimen signature.

The Chamber of Commerce may visit the company concerned by the issuance of the CO if it deems it necessary.

If the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is unable to confirm the origin of the product, it may request the intervention of the technical centers to check the integration rates of this product.
For more information, consult the manual of procedures for issuing certificates of origin (latest version: February 2015) available on the CCIT website.

The exporter will have to provide the following documents to the chambers of commerce and industry:

The legal file which includes the status, the extract from the recent register of commerce of less than 3 months, the customs code, the J.O.R.T. of incorporation, the last tax receipt and finally the authorization, the approval or the specification, depending on the activity carried out.

The technical file that includes the cost structure sheet, the local raw material purchase invoice, the foreign raw material purchase invoice, the balance sheet and financial statements of the preceding financial year signed by the statutory auditor or the company’s chief executive officer.

The filing of specimen signatures of the persons authorized to sign the Certificates of Origin in the Company (see the Specimen Signature Templates)  Any change of authorization must be accompanied by the filing of a new specimen signature.

The Chamber of Commerce may visit the company concerned by the issuance of the CO if it deems it necessary.

If the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is unable to confirm the origin of the product, it may request the intervention of the technical centers to check the integration rates of this product.
For more information, consult the manual of procedures for issuing certificates of origin (latest version: February 2015) available on the CCIT website.

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