Goods Cleared at Port of Entry

DDM Assignment

These are generally goods declared under clearance for home use or Transit (transshipment, cabotage)

Assigned to a corridor on the basis of automatic selectivity
If the declaration is oriented towards the red corridor, the DDM shall be assigned to a liquidator inspector and a revisor whose identities shall be brought to the attention of the importer or his representative via the SINDA system.
The imported goods are subject to a physical inspection by the liquidator inspector within the port enclosure and in the interchange areas dedicated to this purpose, with the presence of the importer or his representative who have been informed of the date of the inspection by a message set by the inspector via the SINDA system (visit appointment).
The physical inspection of the goods may be complete or partial dependig on the nature of the goods and the packaging conditions and the variety of the articles, the customs services may take samples in the event of analysis or for thorough check.
If the declaration is directed to the orange corridor, it is assigned to a verification inspector and a reviewer whose identities will be brought to the attention of the importer or his representative via the SINDA system.
The liquidator inspector carries out the documentary verification of the DDM and its attachments:

    • In case of compliance of the information provided by the documents with the elements of the declaration and after approval of the reviewer, a voucher to be removed will be issued and published after payment of the duties and taxes paid by the importer or his representative.
    • In case of non-compliance with the elements of the declaration, the liquidator inspector may either record the infringement found, or request further information or re-select the declaration to the red corridor.

The SINDA automated system issues the BAE automatically.
The BAE may be issued immediately after payment of the duties and taxes paid by the importer or his representative.
Assigned to a corridor on the basis of automatic selectivity
If the declaration is oriented towards the red corridor, the DDM shall be
assigned to a liquidator inspector and a revisor whose identities shall be
brought to the attention of the importer or his representative via the
SINDA system.
The imported goods are subject to a physical inspection by the liquidator inspector within the port enclosure and in the interchange areas dedicated to this purpose, with the presence of the importer or his representative who have been informed of the date of the inspection by a message set by the inspector via the SINDA system (visit appointment).
The physical inspection of the goods may be complete or partial dependig on the nature of the goods and the packaging conditions and the variety of the articles, the customs services may take samples in the event of analysis or for thorough check.
If the declaration is directed to the orange corridor, it is assigned to a verification inspector and a reviewer whose identities will be brought to the attention of the importer or his representative via the SINDA system.
The liquidator inspector carries out the documentary verification of the DDM and its attachments:

    • In case of compliance of the information provided by the documents with the elements of the declaration and after approval of the reviewer, a voucher to be removed will be issued and published after payment of the duties and taxes paid by the importer or his representative.
    • In case of non-compliance with the elements of the declaration, the liquidator inspector may either record the infringement found, or request further information or re-select the declaration to the red corridor.

The SINDA automated system issues the BAE automatically.
The BAE may be issued immediately after payment of the duties and taxes paid by the importer or his representative.
Removal of goods

After payment of the duties and taxes paid and publication of the BAE,the importer or his representative shall draw up the exit voucher (BS) from the TTN platform in the case where the DDM is manifested or from the SINDA system for DDM established outside the manifest (for flammable, perishable products…) or for simplified customs clearance formalities( DAE).
With its import file consisting of: a copy of the DDM, the original of the voucher to be removed, a printout of the exit voucher and any other documents required relating to the specific regulations.

After payment of stevedoring and handling costs,

the importer or his representative must carry out the following formalities:,

  • The importer or his representative weighs the goods under customs control; however this step is not systematic (specific for certain products and according to the decision of the liquidator inspector)
    A weighing voucher stamped by the customs services is delivered to the importer or his representative.

  • All imported goods are obligatory subject to the scanner examination with the exception of some sensitive products such as live animals, hatching eggs, etc.
    If the scanner operator (officer) has not noticed a difference between
    what is declared and the image provided by the scanner (homogeneous silhouette), the BAE is targeted by the service and the unit of the charge continues its path.
    If the scanner operator has found that what is being declared is non-compliant with the image provided by the scanner, the scanner operator should indicate on the BAE “non-homogeneous silhouette” and the customs services carry out the physical inspection of the goods on the basis of the observation of the scanner operator.

    • If, after the physical verification, it has been found that the declaration and the goods are in compliance, the visiting department mentions its
      recognition on the BAE and the unit of charge continues on its way.
    • If, after the physical verification, it is found that one of the declaration elements (number, quantity, species, origin, etc.) is not in compliance with the goods, the customs services report the customs offense observed (false declaration of ‘species, false declaration of origin, export without declaration…) and the case must be settled before proceeding to the next stage.
  • Upon arrival at the exit door, the importer or his representative must
    present to customs the import file consisting of:

      • The voucher to be removed with all necessary visas
      • A copy of the DDM.
      • A printout of the exit voucher.
      • The weighing voucher.
      • Any other documents relating to the specific regulations.

    Following verification of the compliance of the file presented, the customs service clears the port of call and the entry in the manifest corresponding to the unit of charge that has been removed and authorizes the goods to leave.

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