Geographical distribution of foreign trade

Geographical distribution of foreign trade


80.0% of Tunisian exports are destined for the EU and UMA during the year 2020, despite the drop in our exports to these two destinations (EU: -11.3%, UMA: -22.3%).

Our national exports also fell to the Agadir zone (-14.5%, share: 2%), sub-Saharan Africa (-3.5%, share: 2.7%) and Asia (-13.2%, share: 4.0%).

On the other hand, our exports recorded an increase to Turkey (+13.1%, share: 1.2%).

Outside the EU, the trade deficit worsens, reaching in terms of value 15819.3 MD (instead of 12757.8 MD), this result shows the importance of our foreign trade with our main partner the EU (ranking first: customer and supplier) and its effect on the national trade balance.

The trade balance deficit recorded in 2020 of around -12757.8 MD is largely explained by the deficit recorded with certain countries:

China: -5393.8 MD

Turkey: -2140.6 MD

Algeria: -1719.5 MD

Ukraine: -1431.9 MD

Russia: -1007.0 MD

India: -608.3 MD

On the other hand, a trade balance surplus is recorded with other countries:

France: 3515.8 MD

Germany: 1217.0 MD

Libya: 1096.3 MD

Morocco: 294.6 MD

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