The technical control on import

The technical control on import


Table A of this decree divides the groups of products subject to technical inspection on import according to the departments concerned, namely: Ministry responsible for trade, Ministry responsible for industry, Ministry responsible for health, Ministry responsible for agriculture , Ministry in charge of Communication Technologies and the Digital Economy.

Raw materials, semi-finished materials intended for the professional use of the importer within the framework of his industrial, agricultural, craft or tourist activity, also imported samples, advertising items for everyday use, goods intended for exhibitions and not intended for sale on the local market, imports from diplomatic missions, imports from the Tunisian red crescent, goods imported as a gift by administrations and public administrative establishments and returned goods.

The three product categories
subject to import and export technical control
  • These are the products on list A of the text of the decree and mainly concern final consumer products (cosmetics, food, shoes, toys, household appliances, etc.).
    Based on a system of risk management and selectivity (related to the nature of the product in question, content of the file, history of the importer, warnings regarding the harmfulness of the product, etc.), each technical department concerned performs this type of control according to three ways:

    • Study of file with possibly a deposit of samples;
    • Study of file with control of the goods;
    • Study of file with control of the goods and taking of sample for analysis;
  • These are the products listed in List B of the text of the above-mentioned Order. This check shall be carried out by customs officials who shallverify at the time of customs clearance that the goods are accompanied by a certificate of conformity with the technical regulations concerning them issued by a body duly authorized for that purpose.

  • concerning the products of list C of the text of the decree mentioned above. This control is carried out by the technical department concerned and consists of verifying the conformity of the product with the requirements of a specification (approved by order of the Minister of Commerce and the ministers concerned). Similarly, the technical departments may take samples as part of the study of the file.

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