Goods Cleared at Stores and Customs Clearance Areas (MAD)

The admission of imported goods to stores and customs clearance areas is effected by the filing of a forwarding declaration (TE 842) by the store operator.

  • The introduction by the store operator on the TTN platform of all the elements of the declaration relating to imported goods must be carried out in accordance with the loading report sent by its representative abroad.
    After its validation, the declaration of transport (TE) is sent electronically via TTN accompanied by attachments to the customs clearance office.
    The declaration established and validated, must be filed within 5 days from the date of its registration at the check-in office for admissibility and assignment.

  • The control and processing of the TE declaration is carried out at the attachment office of the store and customs clearance area.The service verifies the following attachments:

     The bill of lading of the goods which must mention the identity of the store as the consignee of the goods on behalf of its customers.

    • The charging state bearing the necessary indications
    • The transport sheet
    • The notice of arrival
    • The packing list

    After liquidation of the declaration through SINDA system, an BAE will be issued and published following payment of the fees and under the conditions of transport set by the attachment office (escort, filling, weighing, GPS/GPRS..).

  • Equipped with its removal file consisting of:

      • The original T842 voucher,
      • In accordance with the primata of the TE842 declaration
      • Printed out of the exit voucher,
      • The original of the voucher to be removed from the unit of charge declaration.

    The MAD operator must complete the scanner formalities and other conditions for the delivery of the goods to the MAD.

  • Arriving at the exit door, the MAD operator must present to the customs officer the import file consisting of:

      • The voucher to be removed bearing all necessary visas,
      • A copy of the TE842 declaration,
      • A printout of the exit voucher,
      • The weighing voucher,
      • Any other document relating to specific regulations,

      Following verification of the conformity of the file and the UC declaration,
      The service proceeds to the discharge of the port and the manifest section and authorizes the exit of goods.
      After validation of the exit voucher of TE transport declaration, the SINDA system automatically generates a Stop number at the store allowing the operator to prepare the store manifest.

  • Upon arrival of the goods at MAD, the customs officer responsible for the permanent control checks the number of the load unit, the condition of the lead, the GPRS (if the goods were transported with GPS), and the presence of the escort officer (if the goods have been escorted by the service).
    Customs Officer must attend the stripping of goods.

  • The DDM supported by the SINDA system can only be identified by a number and a registration date after validation by the importer or his representative.

    The DDM is sent electronically via the TTN platform with the required attachments to the customs clearance office.

    The importer or his representative must deposit the import file within 5 working days of its validation.

    Customs clearance and removal of goods made up in stores and customs clearance areas will be based on the principle of automatic selectivity of declarations.

    • Green corridor: BAE issue,
    • Orange corridor: documentary control of the declaration,
    • Red corridor: physical control (visit) of the goods.

    The processing of the DDM relating to goods constituted in MAD and assigned to a corridor and the same as for the declaration cleared at the port. (See title 2-1: Goods cleared at the input port).

Apurement de l’escaleDischarge of the stopover following verification of the conformity of the file submitted, the customs service clears the stopover discharge and the manifest section corresponding to the unit of charge that has been removed and authorizes the goods to be taken out.