Procedural phases relating to the defense against unfair import practices

The procedural phases relating to the defense against unfair
import practices are defined as follows:

  1. Presentation of a request from a national industry or instruction from the Minister responsible for trade.

Notification of admissibility of the file:
Check whether the file is complete or not.
Carry out a preliminary examination: verify the accuracy and adequacy of the evidence provided. Check the condition of representativeness of the applicant
Motion requiring preliminary examination
Sufficient evidence and conditions fulfilled, therefore, initiation of an investigation after advice from the Ministry of Trade. Possibility of imposition of provisional anti-dumping or countervailing duties.
Publication in the J.O.R.T of the decision to open investigation/ Provisional measures taken.OMC notification. Sending inquiries to foreign parties.
Verification of information provided by foreign parties. Investigative operations with the possibility of making site visits and hearings.
Negative preliminary examination
File classification. OMC notification.
Imposition of anti-dumping or countervailing duties. OMC notification. Publication in the J.O.R.T. Monitoring of the application of the measures taken.
Termination of the investigation in case of insufficient evidence concerning the increased imports and their detrimental effects on local production
Notification of the OMC, Publication in the J.O.R.T