Export Authorization

Exports of free products “without payment” and whose value is greater than 200 DT

The products subject to an authorization whose list is fixed by the Decree n° 94-1742 of August 29, 1994, fixing the lists of the products excluded from the regime of the freedom of foreign trade.

Re-export of raw materials in accordance with Article 196 of the Customs Code

Technical control of exports

• Fresh or processed fruits and vegetables

• Fresh and processed fish products, Plants and flowers, Processed or unprocessed agricultural products obtained using organic production methods

• Handicraft items

Technical approval of packaging units

Products subject to the specification:

Dates, fresh fruits and vegetables

Refining of edible oils

Production of semi-preserved products of vegetable origin

Production of canned fruits and vegetables

Olive Oil Export Approval

Exporting olive oil

Operators who wish to export olive oil are required to respect the conditions stipulated in the specifications organizing this activity.

The exporter of olive oil applies to the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries.

Export Agreement

Fresh fruits and vegetables

Marketing Authorization


Veterinary health control certificate

Animals and products of animal origin

Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries

Export certificate according to (ARM)

Manufactured products other than agro-food products and agricultural products based on animal and phytosanitary products subject to the mutual recognition agreement between Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Morocco et Jordan

ARM certificates

To benefit from the advantages provided by these agreements relating to the mutual recognition of certificates and marks of conformity issued by standardization and certification bodies in each member country, the exporter is required to present the following documents to INNORPI:

– Application form

– Foreign trade document

– Declaration of conformity

– Declaration of honor

– Technical data sheet

– Certificate of origin

– Invoice

ARM Certificate Tunisia with Egypt
ARM Certificate Tunisia with Jordan
ARM Certificate Tunisia with Libya

Certificate of conformity for Libya

Vegetable products (fresh or processed)

Animal products

Tunisian Trade Office Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries

Phytosanitary Control Certificate

Plants and plant products

Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries