Forum Exposition International de la Plasturgie 2021 du 16 au 23 juin 2021 en ligne.


Le CEPEX, Centre de Promotion des Exportations invite les Exportateurs Tunisiens opérant dans le secteur de la Plasturgie et de l’Emballage, à participer à la 9ème édition du Forum Exposition International de la Plasturgie organisée par la Fédération Marocaine de Plasturgie, qui aura lieu du 16 au 23 juin 2021 en ligne.


Fort du succès de ces précédentes éditions , cet événement phare de l’industrie Marocaine, Africaine et Internationale connaitra la participation de plus de 1000 visiteurs potentiels, représentants des sociétés du secteur de la plasturgie Marocaine en plus des plasturgistes, de Tunisie, d’Egypte, de Libye, d’Allemagne, d’Espagne, de France, d’Autriche, d’Italie …etc. plus de détails 


Exposer au Forum- Exposition International de la plasturgie est une occasion pour développer votre visibilité nationale et internationale, échanger directement avec des experts de l’industrie, prendre contact avec vos futurs clients et partenaires.


La Fédération Marocaine de la Plasturgie présente aux adhérents du CEPEX une offre spéciale :  


Stand virtuel : 550 euros 


Cette offre de prix comprend : stand virtuel, accès au Networking, tableau de bord, visiteurs, carte de visite, feedback, demande de renseignement, meeting, vidéo regardée, exposants visiteurs.


En cas d’intérêt de participation à cette édition virtuelle du Forum-Exposition International de la Plasturgie 2021, veuillez renvoyer par retour email   la « Fiche tarifaire spéciale » aux adresses suivantes : 

  • L’Organisateur Marocain    commercial@forumexpo-plasturgie.ma / t.chokry@forumexpo-plasturgie.ma

  • Cheffe de la Représentation Commerciale Tunisienne au Maroc : htrabelsi@menara.ma

Pour le paiement : le virement du montant de la participation de 550 euros devra être adressé directement à l’Organisateur Marocain selon les références bancaires mentionnées sur la fiche tarifaire spéciale. 


Pour votre assistance et avoir plus de détails sur cet événement, veuillez contacter :                 

Mlle Houda TRABELSI, Cheffe de la « Représentation Commerciale Tunisienne au Maroc»

selon les coordonnées suivantes : E-mail : htrabelsi@menara.ma

  • Cell / Whatsapp: +212 6 612 441 73 

  • Fixe & Fax : +212 5 22 22 19 90

  • Fixe (CISCO) : 71 130  384


Virtual Exhibition Guide

Task Force chaines de valeur


Le Gouvernement de la République Tunisienne a sollicité et obtenu l’appui de la Banque Internationale de Reconstruction et le Développement (BIRD) pour le financement de quatre (4) projets d’investissement
Publié le : 08 juin 2021

Le marché N°03/2021 ayant pour objet la réalisation du pavillon Tunisien au salon Arab Health 2021 à été attribué à la société Noble Vision Le marché N°03/2021 ayant pour objet la réalisation du pavillon Tunisien au salon Arab Health 2021 à été attribué à la société Noble Vision


Le marché N°03/2021 ayant pour objet la réalisation du pavillon Tunisien au salon Arab Health 2021 à été attribué à la société Noble Vision

Nos partenaires export

Nos sponsors  

Le marché N°05/2021 ayant pour objet la réalisation du pavillon Tunisien au salon Mobile World Congress 2021 à été attribué à la société 2013 Think Tank Le marché N°05/2021 ayant pour objet la réalisation du pavillon Tunisien au salon Mobile World Congress 2021 à été attribué à la société 2013 Think Tank


Le marché N°05/2021 ayant pour objet la réalisation du pavillon Tunisien au  salon Mobile World Congress  2021 à été attribué à la société 2013 Think Tank  

Nos partenaires export

Nos sponsors  

Forum d’affaires arabo-africain pour les produits de l’industrie agroalimentaire Le Centre Islamique pour le Développement du Commerce (CIDC) et la Banque Arabe pour le Développement Economique en Afrique (BADEA) coorganisent un Forum d’affaires arabo-africain pour les produits de l’industrie agroalimentaire, et ce du 6 au 8 juillet 2021.



Le Centre Islamique pour le Développement du Commerce (CIDC) et la Banque Arabe pour le Développement Economique en Afrique (BADEA) coorganisent un Forum d’affaires arabo-africain pour les produits de l’industrie agroalimentaire, et ce du 6 au 8 juillet 2021.


En marge du Forum d’affaires qui prévoit des rencontres B2B au profit des Hommes d’affaires des régions arabe et africaine, une exposition pour les producteurs de la région est également programmée. Il s’agit d’une opportunité pour tous les opérateurs de l’industrie agro-alimentaire dans les pays africains et arabes pour promouvoir leurs produits et services, nouer des relations d’Affaires et des partenariats et partager des expériences réussies en matière de technologie, d’innovation alimentaires et de commercialisation des produits agro-alimentaires.


Les professionnels des secteurs liés à l’industrie agro-alimentaire peuvent s’inscrire gratuitement en ligne sur l’adresse suivante : https://icdtbadeabf2021.floor.bz


Pour de plus amples informations, prière contacter l’antenne du CEPEX au Maroc :


Représentation Commerciale Tunisienne au Maroc

Cell : +212 6 612 441 73 

Fixe (CISCO) : 71 130  384

htrabelsi@menara.ma ; econo@menara.ma


Nos partenaires export

Nos sponsors  

The final invoice

The final invoice represents the result of commercial negotiations between the foreign supplier and the importer. It is a standardized commercial document that gives rise to an accounting record. It differs from the “pro-format” invoice since the latter is an estimate presented in the form of an invoice without providing any accounting value.

The final invoice must contain all the information necessary for the smooth running of the transaction, namely:

  • The contracting parties and their contact details;
  • The designation of the product;
  • The unit price and quantity of the product;
  • The global price and the settlement currency according to the chosen incoterm;
  • The period of validity of the price indicated;
  • The means of transport and the delivery time;
  • The payment period and any installments received;
  • Guarantees and force majeure in the event of an unforeseeable event…
Le modèle de la facture définitive

The certificate of origin

All economic operators must be able to prove the origin of their imported products during customs clearance. In other words, it is the proof of “nationality” of the product which allows the economic operator to benefit from the preferences provided for by bilateral or multilateral conventions and agreements, the establishment of foreign trade statistics or for the application of specific regulations such as health and phytosanitary measures.

The processing shall be classified as substantial where,
one or more of the following criteria are met:

The product obtained is classified in a four-digit tariff heading of the Harmonized System (HS) different from those of the materials used to obtain it.
The local added value achieved in obtaining the product in question which is equal to or greater than 40% of the ex-factory price of the product in question.
The product obtained has undergone a certain number of workings or transformations in accordance with the regulations in force.

The importer or his authorized representative shall be required to submit to the customs authorities the certificate attesting the origin of his imported products.

It should be noted that certificates of origin are classified into two categories:
  • They concern commercial exchanges which are not governed by preferential tariff agreements, when the criteria of origin as defined within the framework of preferential relations are not satisfied, re-export of foreign products or when the certificate of origin is required as documentary evidence in addition to the conventional certificate of origin.

  • They are used for commercial exchanges governed by bilateral or multilateral preferential tariff agreements with a view to reducing or exempting customs duties and taxes with equivalent effect. Each agreement binding Tunisia with its partners defines its own rules of preferential origin.

Conventional certificates of origin
  • Certificate of origin established within the framework of bilateral agreements between Tunisia and certain Arab countries (MoroccoEgyptJordanLibyaKuwaitAlgeria)
  • Certificate of origin issued under the agreement of the Greater Arab Free Trade Area (Arabic Certificates of Origin)
  • Certificate of origin for the movement of goods for the export of originating products to the European Union (EUR1 certificate)
  • Certificate of origin of movement of goods for the export of products in the PANEUROMED zone (EUROMED certificate)
  • Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa COMESA Free Trade Area Certificate of Origin

Veterinary health control

The applied framework is governed by law 99-24 of March 9, 1999, relating to veterinary health control at import and export. This control is carried out at crossing points with customs offices by sworn veterinarians.

Imported animals and animal products must be accompanied by health documents issued by the official veterinary authorities of the exporting country attesting to their good health, their wholesomeness as well as their conformity with the sanitary and hygienic requirements in force in Tunisia.

Veterinarians mainly check the documents accompanying the animals and animal products as well as the identity check by visually checking the concordance between these documents and the animals/animal products.

If it turns out to be non-compliant with documentary and identity checks, the animals and animal products will be returned or destroyed if the reshipment outside Tunisian territory is impossible.
In case of suspicion, veterinarians can carry out a physical check of animals and animal products via an examination or sample collection. In case of non-compliance with the results of the analysis, the seizure, the slaughter of the living animals and the destruction of the animals and animal products will be carried out after authorization from the territorially competent judge.

Phytosanitary control on import

Phytosanitary import control aims to prevent the introduction and spread of dangerous harmful organisms which can cause direct or indirect losses on the national plant heritage. It concerns plants (live plants and living parts of plants including seeds and fruits) and plant products (unprocessed products of plant origin).

The procedure is carried out by the phytosanitary control service within the border posts (ports, airports, land crossing points).
Plants, parts of plants and plant products imported into Tunisia must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate in accordance with the model established by the International Convention for the Protection of Plants (written in Arabic, French or English).

If the exporting country is not the country of origin, the plants, parts of plants and plant products must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate for re-export conforming to the model established by the International Plant Protection Convention to which will be annexed the original or a copy of the original phytosanitary certificate certified by the exporting country.

If the exporting country has not required a phytosanitary certificate for the import of consignments intended for re-export to Tunisia, these consignments must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by the competent services of the country of re-export, in accordance with the model established by the International Convention for the Protection of Plants, certifying that the consignment has not undergone any modification during its storage that could make it non-compliant with Tunisian phytosanitary requirements.
The certificate drawn up no earlier than 14 days before shipment must certify that the shipment has been officially examined and found free from harmful organisms covered by the decree of 31 May 2012, establishing the list of quarantine organisms. This certificate also declares to respect the specific requirements of 19 families of plant products listed in the decree of the Minister of Agriculture of May 28, 2013, setting the phytosanitary requirements as well as the methods of control of plants and plant products imported into Tunisia.

Furthermore, the same text authorizes the import without presentation of a phytosanitary certificate or phytosanitary inspection the introduction of 6 families of plants or plant products, with the exception of those covered by the decree of the Minister of Agriculture of 31 May 2012 establishing the list of plants and plant products whose entry into Tunisian territory is prohibited, these plants or plant products concern:

If the imported product is non-compliant, it will be intercepted at the point of entry and may be subject to treatment, transformation, return or destruction, and this, according to the availability of the technique for the eradication of the organism concerned within pre-determined deadlines.

The technical control on import

Table A of this decree divides the groups of products subject to technical inspection on import according to the departments concerned, namely: Ministry responsible for trade, Ministry responsible for industry, Ministry responsible for health, Ministry responsible for agriculture , Ministry in charge of Communication Technologies and the Digital Economy.

Raw materials, semi-finished materials intended for the professional use of the importer within the framework of his industrial, agricultural, craft or tourist activity, also imported samples, advertising items for everyday use, goods intended for exhibitions and not intended for sale on the local market, imports from diplomatic missions, imports from the Tunisian red crescent, goods imported as a gift by administrations and public administrative establishments and returned goods.

The three product categories
subject to import and export technical control
  • These are the products on list A of the text of the decree and mainly concern final consumer products (cosmetics, food, shoes, toys, household appliances, etc.).
    Based on a system of risk management and selectivity (related to the nature of the product in question, content of the file, history of the importer, warnings regarding the harmfulness of the product, etc.), each technical department concerned performs this type of control according to three ways:

    • Study of file with possibly a deposit of samples;
    • Study of file with control of the goods;
    • Study of file with control of the goods and taking of sample for analysis;
  • These are the products listed in List B of the text of the above-mentioned Order. This check shall be carried out by customs officials who shallverify at the time of customs clearance that the goods are accompanied by a certificate of conformity with the technical regulations concerning them issued by a body duly authorized for that purpose.

  • concerning the products of list C of the text of the decree mentioned above. This control is carried out by the technical department concerned and consists of verifying the conformity of the product with the requirements of a specification (approved by order of the Minister of Commerce and the ministers concerned). Similarly, the technical departments may take samples as part of the study of the file.

Import technical control procedureImport technical control procedure